Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Importance of learning to receive

Last year in Lethbridge, I was on the exec for the UCC and for the Ultimate club and so I did a lot of welcoming.  I made an effort to know everyone’s name and to remember something about them to ask for next time.  I wanted people to feel comfortable and loved.  So it’s different being in France now as that can’t be my role here.  I’ve met so many people and remember hardly anyone’s name, so I can’t be that welcoming person that I’m used to being.  Instead, I have to take the role of being welcomed, of receiving instead of giving, which I think can be humbling.
One of the things that I’ve been getting involved in is the youth group activities here with the junior high and high school students.  My attitude towards this has very much been: I have so much to give, I have been so blessed in my life with my faith and I want to share that.  What I’m realizing is that I need to change that attitude.  I need to stop having this focus of “giving.”  I’m finding that this is separating me from others.  I just want to talk and share my experience of Christ, to give to them what I’ve received, but this makes me closed to receiving what they have to offer me.  From these youth groups, I have received a very warm welcome and I am receiving/learning the ability to identify with high school and junior high kids.  In the mean time, I don’t think I’ve managed to “give” them anything.   I just need to humble myself to receive this welcome, this sharing of themselves with me.  And really, why would they be interested in learning about me, when I’m not interested in learning about them?
I think it’s also a reminder that really I have nothing to give.  I think my attitude that I have so much to give and share can be prideful.  I’ve been reading this book about Mother Teresa and she talks a lot about emptying oneself:  “God cannot fill what is full. – He can fill only emptiness- deep poverty- and your “Yes” is the beginning of being or becoming empty.  It is not how much we really “have” to give- but how empty we are- so that we can receive fully in our life and let Him live His life in us.” (Mother Teresa, Come be My Light).  I think it’s a challenge to realize that I am nothing and I have nothing to give since I have been given so much in this life.  However, I think when I am able to realize that I have nothing to give, when I do humble myself enough to become empty, God will be able to actually work through me to give Himself to those whom I meet.
Today, I went to the homeless shelter here in town to start volunteering.  (I don’t know if it’s really a homeless shelter, they give out drinks and food and have programs for the homeless or people in difficulty.)  I was welcomed very warmly and given a little orientation.  Here, I realized again, it’s not what I have to give.  I have nothing to offer these people.  I don’t know what it’s like to be in need and I really don’t know how to help them or what their needs are.  I have a hard time speaking/understanding French so really they have to have patience with me while we try to have a little conversation.  So while I was there, I gave out some coffees and said hello, but I think that the homeless people welcomed me more than I welcomed them.  I think I will receive a lot from this experience too as I am trying to learn to not be afraid of the “other”.  Already being there I’m learning about our common humanity.   
A note about commenting- yeah you need a gmail account and to be honest I have a hard time figuring out how to do a new post all the time too, so I may change my blog to a different site, we'll see. 
So, until next time, pray for me.

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