Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Lady

I thought I'd share a bit about how Our Lady has, as always, been taking care of me.  So, the cathedral here is called Notre Dame de l'Assomption which translates Our Lady of the Assumption.  I was born on the feast day of Our Lady of the Assumption and have been blessed with a strong devotion to her since I was little.  So when I found out the name of the cathedral, I was filled with joy and just remembered once again how Our Mother continually cares for us and watches over us.

Then, when I was visiting the Franciscan sisters on Wednesday (there's so many religious communities here, it's great) one of the sisters showed me the chapel.  When we were in the chapel she turned to me and asked if I'd like to consecrate my stay in Rodez to Our Lady and so I agreed and we prayed together.  It was really simple just a Hail Mary with a bit about me being in France, but I felt so blessed.  It was such a special moment.  Once again Mary showed up in my life this time through a sister.

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