Thursday, October 11, 2012

Simon says...

Well I think I was rather confused about what my responsibilities as an assistante are.  So today I went to this school and the first teacher had it all organized what we were going to do that day, which was great and then I just did it.  This teacher has also been great since she actually let me observe her class the first time I was there.  We made name tags and I went around and got kids to introduce themselves to me in English then we had a puppet named Simon and we played Simon says.  It was great, these kids were young, like 6 and 7 I think so I taught them a few things in English and stuck with those.

The next class I went into the teacher had nothing prepared so I did exactly the same thing as with the previous class, except made Simon says slightly harder and again the same thing in the next class.  This afternoon at a different school, do you know what I did?  That's right made name tags and played Simon says.  It's a great game appropriate for any age group and some of these kids are really good I just couldn't seem to stump them.  This next school I'm going to I'm thinking the teacher will have something for me, or I hope.  Playing Simon says with 4 different classes gets tiring.  In future, I guess I'll prepare something.  Not sure what level these kids are at or what the objectives I'm supposed to teach are, but I really don't mind just making up lessons of what I think I should teach.

I've also been teaching my students the song- I'm a Little Teapot... so at this point about 70 French children are being introduced to this gem of Canadian culture :P  I have no idea if it's even Canadian or where it's from, but it's proved to be a good filler when I'm not sure what else to do.

Other than that I've decided to bite the bullet (is that the right expression) and go to a laundromat to wash my clothes.  It's ridiculously expensive (3.60 euros a load, that doesn't include drying) so I decided to hand wash some clothes.  So I did and then hung them to dry in my room, turns out my room has very poor ventilation.  Four days later the clothes were finally dry, but everything smells like dirty socks, including my room.  Well it was a good learning experience.


  1. For some teaching ideas check out:
    They mostly teach English to Japanese kids but they have lots of fun easy songs you could use.
