Monday, March 16, 2015

Hachisu School Play

On Sunday, we went to the Hachisu Children Centre’s year end performance of The Wizard of Oz.  We had been invited by the lady who runs the school and had reserved seats near the front.  We were cordially escorted to our seats and given a gift.  She also came and greeted us.  We are pretty important people here in Tarui J.  Hachisu has children ages 2 to 5 and they really focus on their English program.  The first part of the performance consisted of the kids playing different musical pieces which was well done and really cute.  They gave the two year olds some clapper type things and they sometimes hit them at the right time, sometimes just stood there looking at all the people, and sometimes just hit it randomly.  The second half of the program was a full two hour play of the Wizard of Oz.  The main characters were played by grade 6 students from different elementary schools.  They also had some adults, junior high, and elementary students take part.  It was really incredible to see how they involved so many people. It was extremely well done.  The set was made of paper and cardboard and many of the costumes were homemade too.  The whole play was done in English which was great for us, but I’m not sure how much anyone else got out of it.  I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for the main characters to memorize their lines.  As you can see from the pictures, it was really cute and we were glad we got to participate in this community event. 


The flying monkey army

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