Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Many of you have probably seen on the news or TV, Japanese people wearing masks.  I remember seeing some Japanese in airports and thinking, “Oh boy, they must be really worried about some crazy dangerous disease they have in their country.”  Now that I’ve lived here for a while, I recognize how masks are so normal and accepted.  People wear masks because:

a) They’re sick.
b) They don’t want to get sick.
c) To prevent some of the pollen from Hay Fever of getting into their sinuses.
d) They’re fashionable.

When asking the priest at our parish if he was sick because he was wearing a mask, he explained that it’s for hay fever, and then added jokingly that it’s also a really cheap way of being in style!

I personally think that masks are a great idea- especially for kids who don’t always cover their mouths when they cough.  However, I haven’t found them particularly comfortable to wear.  I think part of the problem was that I needed to get a special mask for people with glasses so that the hot air didn’t fog up my glasses.  Luckily, I’ve only gotten one cold here, so I haven’t had to worry about it too much.
This mask is too big!

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